Hi! I’m
Kimberly King
I’m your mom partner in prevention. I use kid-friendly, easy-to-use strategies and resources that help you talk with your kids about tough topics like sexual abuse prevention so that you can empower and protect your family.
As seen on...

Access My Empowering Body Safety Resources to Protect Your Family
Available Books

I Said NO! Coming Soon.
A Mom's Choice Awards® Gold Recipient, I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts private was Amazon’s number one-selling book on sexual abuse prevention for many years. Written from a child’s point of view, it helps kids learn how to set healthy boundaries for their private parts. The book provides an easy-to-use system to help children rehearse and remember appropriate responses to help keep them safe.
Our book had to grow and change with the times.
The 2020 Edition is temporarily out of print but can still be found on Amazon, with various sellers. And by several small bookstores and body safety educators.
Stay tuned for updates on the new edition that is coming soon!
We know you will love it, and it will become a staple in your body safety toolbox.

Body Safety for Young Children
Body Safety for Young Children: Empowering Caring Adults is the only book of its kind that puts parents and teachers to empower and protect children at home and at school. This is the "What to Expecting When Your Expecting" for Body Safety Education." Authentic, easy-to-read, and implemented resource for all who want to learn how to reduce the risk of child sexual abuse.