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At Tough Topics Mom, we know that it's never been more important for parents to educate themselves and their kids about prevention. That's why we've updated our popular book, I Said No! Our new edition is more inclusive, less angry, and reflects the latest research. Many readers told us that the cover scared their child. We also heard from readers that they wanted more of a story that they would be able to connect and identify with. After much hardship and struggle over the decision to make changes... this new book is almost done.

 It covers everything children need to know about body safety and how to prevent red flag situations. With more diversity in characters and scenarios, children can better relate to the stories presented. We want every child to grow up feeling confident and aware of how to make healthy decisions. And we don't want kids scared.
We also created this book from a lens of being trauma-informed and research-based. So, that when you read this book with your child, you will feel at ease. We realize that many moms who purchase body safety books like this may be survivors. And they are looking for ways to empower their kids without re-traumatizing themselves. The new I Said No! was written in a narrative, kid-friendly format to achieve these goals and uses a gentle tone and approach to accomplish these goals.
Together, let's create a safer world for our kids one book at a time.

Introducing our new illustrator, Mariam Eisenbacher. Miriam is an incredible illustrator and teacher. We are thrilled to bring Miriam to the body safety book team. You can follow her work and catch some behind-the-scenes illustrations as we get ready to launch this new book.



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