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Can Parenting Books Help You Keep Your Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse? YES! My Top 10 List


Let's Jump on into this question!

We want to share as we navigate parenting, gather resources, and find things that work. And I have some good news! As it turns out, your parenting style and your work toward raising caring, kind, compassionate, confident kids will pay off.

The research shows that confident kids with positive self-esteem are unattractive targets to predators. There are a number of reasons for this, and a good topic for another post.

But, as we focus on conscious, mindful parenting techniques and strategies, a shift happens. And it can help our kids stay safe.

A proactive, positive, and conscious approach to parenting is pivotal in achieving this aim, as it acts as a preventative factor against abuse.

It is key to building a strong foundation where kids learn to identify feelings, understand boundaries, and express their needs. But, under all that is a knowledge that they are loved and supported, no matter what. We build self-esteem, self-assurance, and resilience as we practice these strategies. As parents, we strive to equip our children with the tools they need to navigate the world's complexities, and one vital aspect of this education is body safety. Recognizing that educating parents and families about body safety and focusing on understanding feelings rather than instilling fear is fundamental.

Below are my top 10 parenting books that empower proactive parenting and highlight the importance of connecting with our kids.

(In no particular order)

By Kimberly King, M.S.E.D.

"The book that will change how we talk about body safety!" It is an essential and empowering read for parents, teachers, and caregivers. King's expertise shines through in this meticulously crafted guide, providing invaluable tools and knowledge to protect children from potential harm. The book tactfully addresses a sensitive subject with clarity and compassion, ensuring parents and teachers are equipped to have age-appropriate conversations about body safety. Through a thoughtful blend of information and practical advice, King empowers caregivers to create a safe environment where open dialogue and trust thrive. This book is a beacon of guidance, promoting proactive measures to ensure well-being and safety with a collaborative twist. It's the perfect book for parents, teachers, and all who care about protecting children"- A Survivor Mom.

Currently in Pre-Order!

Launches November 1, 2023

By Elizabeth Schroeder

Teaching your child about responsibility and respect, especially concerning their bodies—is a big job, and tackling sensitive topics isn't easy. This book is your guide to starting those critical conversations with kids as young as 3, using gentle language and kid-friendly examples. You can help kids learn how to set boundaries for themselves and recognize the boundaries of others, which will help kids develop their own self-esteem and stay safe. You will explore scenarios and learn ways to talk to your child about their body. And at the same time, focus on empowering your child to assert their body boundaries.

by Sandra K. Wurtele, Ph.D. and Feather Berkower, M.S.W.

Comprehensive and Clear! A wonderful guide for parents on body safety. This comprehensive book covers all sorts of topics for adults and integrates body safety strategies and skills. You will learn how to identify grooming strategies, create sexual abuse prevention policies, and take action to prevent child sexual abuse at home, at school, and in your organizations. Co-Author Feather Berkower holds workshops and hosts an online class.

by Dr. Becky Kennedy

This new book is for any parent who has ever struggled under the substantial weight of caregiving—to say, all of us. Good Inside is a practical guide to raising resilient, emotionally healthy kids and a supportive resource for parents who need more support and less chaos. Dr. Becky is intelligent, thoughtful, and unique.

She has a way of focusing on challenging and changing our parenting brain. Follow along with Dr. Becky for so many helpful parenting strategies, and listen to her fabulous podcast.

P.S. - Coolest Cover Every!

Body Safety Education: A Parents' Guide to Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse by Jayneen Sanders is a vital resource for parents seeking to equip their children with the knowledge and tools to stay safe. Sanders adeptly tackles a challenging topic, providing clear, age-appropriate information on body safety and consent. The book seamlessly blends educational content with practical guidance. Every parent should have this insightful guide on their bookshelf to navigate the essential discussions surrounding body safety with their children.

By Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Is a profound exploration of conscious parenting. Dr. Shefali's insights challenge traditional parenting paradigms, encouraging a shift towards self-awareness and understanding our children's authentic selves. The book offers practical wisdom, emphasizing the vital role of introspection and empathy in fostering solid parent-child connections. It's a compelling, step-by-step guide for nurturing conscious, meaningful relationships with their children.

By Daniel J. Siegal, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D

The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind" by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson is an enlightening journey into understanding and nurturing a child's mind. Based on solid scientific foundations, the book offers a comprehensive roadmap for parents and educators alike, unraveling the intricacies of brain development and its direct impact on a child's behavior and emotions. The authors brilliantly distill complex neuroscience into accessible strategies, empowering adults to connect with children more meaningfully. With its blend of practical insights and compassion, this book is a game-changer. It fosters a deeper understanding of childhood development. It provides valuable tools to foster healthy connections with the young minds in our care—a must-read for anyone invested in nurturing the potential of a child's growing brain.

by Philippa Perry

It is a delightful and refreshing take on parenting. Overflowing with humor, wit, and genuine insight, it's like a friendly chat with a wise, understanding friend who is also a parenting guru. From the quirky anecdotes to the practical advice, it's a rollercoaster of wisdom with a sprinkle of laughter. The book gently nudges us to reflect on our own parenting approach, encouraging us to become the kind of parent our kids will thank us for. It's a delightful read that offers excellent advice and leaves you feeling a little lighter and much more encouraged on this parenting adventure. It is highly recommended for parents looking for a good dose of laughter, empowerment, and inspiration.

Dr. Aliza Pressman's The 5 Principles of Parenting' is a comprehensive guide that delves into fundamental aspects of parenting, offering practical insights and advice. The principles are well-structured, and the book provides actionable strategies to navigate the challenging terrain of raising children. Parents appreciate its balance of science-backed information and relatable anecdotes, making it a go-to resource for understanding and improving their parenting journey. Dr. Aliza is known for her popular parenting podcast, "Raising Good Humans." Currently in Pre-Order!

By Hunter Clarke-Fields

Raising Good Humans is a gem. This book is a trove of mindfulness and compassionate parenting techniques. Clarke-Fields skillfully intertwines personal experiences with evidence-based practices, creating an engaging and enlightening read. Parents find the tools and exercises provided extremely valuable, helping them cultivate deeper connections with their children and promoting a more positive and empathetic parenting approach. Learn how to be mindful of your parenting in your approach to parenting as you drop the reactive style and parent from a thoughtful, calm approach.

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